Inspiration: The Dying Art of Hand Lettering
I hear it’s a dying art and yet there’s evidently a huge resurgence going on right now. From design blogs to Pinterest there is some amazing work being shared whether it’s calligraphy, chalk board art or hand painted lettering.
I’m drawn to the graphic nature of black and white work and have a bias for my good friend Ro Starr who paints the most spectacular calligraphic work. He started out in the world of graffiti and now shows his paintings worldwide. I urge you to check out a film or 2 and watch his steady hand.
I’ve always been drawn to chalk board art and it’s impermanence. All that detail and then one wipe and it’s gone. Here’s a lovely example in a restaurant and I love this work in progress picture.

I recommend you spend some time on Pinterest and browse for a while. I found this wonderful image earlier but the original source was hard to find.