Apologies for the break but I’ve just returned from London where I helped my mother and sister pack up our family house.
After 40 years she’s moving on to a new home but thankfully just a few minutes walk from our old house. Never-the-less, it was an emotional time delving through boxes and cupboards of memories that haven’t been looked over for decades.

It was wonderful to look back over generations of belongings and find gems of my mothers that neither my sister or I had ever seen.
I’ve held on to some lovely printed things that she collected as a young child.

Over the next week or so I’ll be scanning and documenting them.

But for now one of the special moments I had was sitting infront and behind the house drawing it and really soaking up the details; drawing for me has always been a way of remembering in a much deeper way.
My mother is an amazing gardener and I captured some corners of her rambling flower beds.